Harvard History & Traditions

Historic Humor

University Archives to preserve Harvard Lampoon materials

by Nina Pasquini

Sweet Farewell

Spiders and ties, “Fair Harvard” encore, and Faust’s farewell

by Primus VI

“Tyranny Is Our Foe”

The seventy-fifth anniversary of Winston Churchill’s honorary-degree speech

Gymsuits, Pre-Spandex

Lest young ladies’ “tides” be deranged

by Sophia Nguyen

Yesterday’s News

Headlines from Harvard’s history

The Long-Lived University

Attendance artifact, women’s work, and “Fair Harvard” redux

by Primus VI

He Has Made the World a Safer Place

A symposium honors a scientist who championed biological and chemical weapons control.

by Jonathan Shaw

Saving Stephen Hawking

A close call on Commencement day

by David H. Abramson

David Davidson

A dining executive on Harvard’s changing food environment

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Yesterday’s News

Headlines from Harvard’s history

A Chaucer Tale

When teaching was gendered, Porsche populism, and Harvard’s presidential symbolism

by Primus VI
