Students & Alumni

Lord Mayor for a Day

Harvard's Michael Mainelli, the 695th Lord Mayor of London.

by Robert Sprung

Alan Seeger

Brief live of a premonitory poet: 1888-1916

by Dick Friedman

Matthew Wittmann

Cultural historian Matthew Wittmann makes a home at Harvard's performing-arts library.

by Sophia Nguyen

Death Throes

Sibling scholars Carol Steiker and Jordan Steiker seek to change how America thinks about capital punishment.

by Lincoln Caplan

Rebuilding or Reloading?

A successful beginning of the football season

by Dick Friedman

World Music 2.0

In Uproot, Jace Clayton ’97 explores technological trends in music around the globe.

by Lara Pellegrinelli

“Acting As If” for 35 Seasons

Basketball coach Kathy Delaney-Smith lives up to, and inspires, with her motto.

by David L. Tannenwald

Electing Overseers

Plans to overhaul the Board of Overseers’ election procedures 

by John S. Rosenberg

Educating Teachers

Harvard gets serious about training its graduates to teach in the classroom.

by Sophia Nguyen

Hiram S. Hunn Awards

Seven alumni are honored for volunteer College admissions work.

John Adams at Harvard

What he learned and what he made of it

by Richard Alan Ryerson
