Jonathan Shaw

Harvard Magazine
Jonathan Shaw is Managing Editor.

Sexual-misconduct survey results, athletics director to retire

Sexual-misconduct survey results, and the athletics director to retire

The new engineers: snapshots of synthetic biologists at work

For synthetic biologists, there appears to be no limit to what they can build.

Harvard Treasure: Hasty Pudding Posters

“Shingles” and other art of the Hasty Pudding from the Harvard Theatre Collection.

Potential Partners in Allston Commercial Zone Narrowed to Three

From among three finalists, a partner is expected to be chosen by the end of December.

Lawrence Lessig Delivers a Prescription for Reforming American Democracy

How to reform voting and elections in the United States to create a representative democracy

Taking Stock of Harvard’s Athletics Culture

Outgoing athletics director Bob Scalise on recruitment, sports and society, and the educational role of sports

Harvard Athletics Director to Retire

Scalise has been Nichols Family Director of Athletics for the past 18 years.

Sexual Assault and Harassment on College Campuses

Results from the second campus survey of sexual misconduct show that sexual assault and harassment remain serious problems at institutions of higher education nationwide.

Eighth Annual HILT Conference Focuses on Peer Learning

The eighth annual conference of the Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching

Harvard's Jerry X. Mitrovica Awarded MacArthur grant

The geophysicist has pioneered the understanding that sea-level rise around the globe will vary significantly depending on crustal dynamics and gravitational forces. 

New addiction risks in the war on smoking

Two public-health veterans warn of new smoking risks, especially for the young.

Hansjörg Wyss boosts biologically inspired engineering

The Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering gets another boost.