John S. Rosenberg

Harvard fall reopening plans

Provost Alan Garber outlines the possibilities and options—and the College prepares for continued remote teaching, if necessary

Harvard Arts and Sciences Freezes Faculty Hiring

Dean Gay outlines near-term actions—and “the definition of a hard problem” facing the FAS.

Harvard Schools Pandemic Pressures

Deans articulate their diverse faculties’ divergent priorities (and problems)—plus an MIT perspective

Harvard Spending Cuts: A Pandemic Update

University belt-tightening announced, plus further information on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences—and higher education

Harvard Engineering Allston Move Deferred

As the pandemic halts construction, the move-in schedule for the fall semester has slipped.

Divestment developments at Harvard

Developments at Harvard, Brown’s changed investments, and Yale’s engagement with companies in its portfolio

Harvard faces coronavirus impact

The sudden dispersal from Cambridge and Boston, Commencement postponed, and the looming financial consequences

Harvard rethinks online education strategy

A push to emphasize learning rather than teaching

President Bacow on Harvard in pandemic

Larry Bacow puts Harvard in the perspective of the pandemic.

Harvard Design Dean Whiting Cancer Treatment

The new dean has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.