“Big, Fat, and Sick” Institutions—Can Digital Healthcare Help?

Harvard physicians on the future of medicine

by Olivia Farrar

HarvardX at One

A first-year report on HarvardX and edX, the online-education partnership with MIT

edX’s Expansion—and Issues

A first-year report on HarvardX and edX, the online-education partnership with MIT

Harvard Names Online Education Leadership

The administrative and faculty leaders reflect the multidisciplinary breadth of edX and HarvardX.

Online Evolution Accelerates

HarvardX, edX, and online teaching and learning proliferate.

Huntington D. Lambert Named Continuing Education Dean

The online expert seeks to expand the University’s digital reach.

edX: The Second Season

New Harvard online courses go beyond quantitative subjects to include "Justice," ancient Greece


Harvard news: Nobelists, Rhodes and Marshall winners, edX update, and more

University of Texas Joins Harvard, MIT in edX Online Learning Venture

The state’s system brings nine universities and six health institutions to the online partnership.


Harvard's largest solar installation, edX develops, Drew Faust’s research becomes a TV program, the Gilgamesh sculpture, and more

Harvard, Extended

Harvard partners with MIT to form edX, an ambitious online learning venture.