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The Alumni
In this issue's Alumni section:
Foreigner at Radcliffe - Success, 25 Years Out - Young at Harvard - Voters' Choice - Mount Harvard Club - Recordbreakers - Medalists Three - Preservationist - Sister Act - Yesterday's News

For more alumni web resources, check out Harvard Gateways, the Harvard Alumni Association's website

Medalists Three

At the annual meeting of the HAA, outgoing president Ciji Ware formally thanked three longtime supporters of the University for their "extraordinary service" by awarding each of them the Harvard Medal and reading aloud the following citations.

For William G. Anderson '39--Loyal classmate and legendary University marshal, you have led Harvardians through these festival rites with celerity and ceremony, calm rising through change and through storm.

For Rita E. Hauser, L '55-'56--Caring deeply about education, the world of nonprofits, and Harvard University, you are a dynamic inspiration to us all, conscious of the need to challenge and to lead.

And for Renee M. Landers '77--True citizen of Harvard and Radcliffe, you have earned the admiration and appreciation of this community, bringing us together with extraordinary commitment, creativity, and vision.

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