Jonathan Shaw

Harvard Magazine
Jonathan Shaw is Managing Editor.

Behavioral “nudges” boost student performance

Interventions that mobilize family support networks have powerful effects.

Using precision medicine, Harvard researchers target cancer

Using precision medicine, Harvard researchers target cancer.

Remembering Towering Physicist Julian Schwinger (1918-1994)

At Jefferson Laboratory, Nobel Prize winners gather to remember one of their own.

Improving Photosynthesis

Scientists are tweaking plant genomes so that food crops grow better, especially under conditions of stress.

Zika Vaccine Development Reveals Differences in Efficacy One Year On

Harvard’s Dan Barouch finds long-term Zika vaccine efficacy varies by delivery method.

Is knee osteoarthritis a mismatch disease?

Neither increased obesity nor longevity explains the doubling of knee osteoarthritis since World War II.   

Dean George Daley’s vision for Harvard Medical School

One year into his deanship, George Daley shares his vision for Harvard Medical School.

Seeking Tsuga chinensis seed

The Chinese variety resists a pest devastating North American trees.

Building Flying Robot Swarms

The push to build flying, thinking, robot swarms

The Bruce Telescope Rediscovered

The telescope that helped define Earth’s place in the universe