“Big, Fat, and Sick” Institutions—Can Digital Healthcare Help?

Harvard physicians on the future of medicine

by Olivia Farrar

What Ails the Academy?

American higher education and its discontents

by John S. Rosenberg


University news briefs: retaining recruits, online learning, appointments, awards, and more

CS50 Comes to Yale

Notes from New Haven, where the most popular course this semester hails from Harvard.

by Maya Averbuch

On Your Summer Vacation...

Sharpening your mind during the summer months with a HarvardX course or a faculty profile.

Is Small Beautiful?

Online education looks beyond the MOOC.

by Stephanie Garlock

Much More about MOOCs

Harvard and MIT researchers mine masses of data about online learning—and begin to address applications to campus classrooms.

by John S. Rosenberg

Engagement and Distance at the HILT

Harvard explores learning, teaching, and institutional change.


Harvard Business School’s Chao Center, College admissions, endowment managers’ compensation, and more

Harvard Measures Its MOOCs

The first analyses of online-course registrants—and "dropouts"—and other MOOC news

Harvard Business School Launches HBX

The first separate online-learning venture from one of the professional schools