“Big, Fat, and Sick” Institutions—Can Digital Healthcare Help?

Harvard physicians on the future of medicine

by Olivia Farrar

The Coronavirus Campus

The factors influencing the fall semester—and beyond

by John S. Rosenberg

Several Harvard Professional Schools Move Online for Fall

…and the endowment distribution is decreased, as the College completes its plans.

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Law Offers Pre-matriculation Material Free Nationwide

An online orientation encourages enrollment at an anxious moment for students—and universities.

by John S. Rosenberg

Rebooting Online Education

A push to emphasize learning rather than teaching

by John S. Rosenberg

“Don’t Zoom While Driving”

On taking a Harvard Gen Ed class remotely with William C. Kirby

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Credit for High-Schoolers

Literature professor Elisa New spearheads an online poetry course for talented students in underserved high schools.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Preparing for a Profession

Online summer programs get students ready for inclusive M.B.A., J.D., and M.Ed. studies.

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Explores Slavery Connections Further

The president announces a $5-million initiative.

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Graduate Students Are Getting Ready to Strike

After more than a year negotiating, the union sets a deadline of December 3. 

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Learning, and Teaching, As Peers

The eighth annual conference of the Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching

by Jonathan Shaw