Alexander Heffner and Governor Maura Healey

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Naomi Bashkansky sits on a table with a chess board behind her.

Strategic Planning

A chess player’s moves on AI safety

by Nina Pasquini


Spellbound on Stage

Actor and young adult novelist Aislinn Brophy

by Lydialyle Gibson

Daniel Mason posing with a tree

A Dogged Observer

Novelist and psychiatrist Daniel Mason takes the long view.

by Max J. Krupnick

Photograph of Stephen Bergman at home in Massachusetts

Diagnosis by Fiction

The “Healing Quartet,” by “Samuel Shem,” probes medicine—and life.

by Craig Lambert

Yamamoto's installation, made of 20 orange tubes that stretch from floor to ceiling in a white room.

Making Space

The natural history of Junko Yamamoto’s art and architecture

by Nina Pasquini

Photograph of Winthrop Bell 1910

Winthrop Bell

Brief life of a philosopher and spy: 1884-1965

by Jason Bell

illustration of robotic hands manipulating a wooden maze to guide a worm in the maze to a target

Computational Control of a Living Brain?

How an AI agent learned to guide an animal to food—and what it might mean for Parkinson’s patients.

by Jonathan Shaw

Map depicting the two sites of two cousins: one lived in central Mongolia, the author in southern Russia

Cousins in the Ancient World

Long-distance human migration and population bottlenecks revealed in ancient DNA

by Jonathan Shaw

Greg Stone poses in front of trees

Greg Stone, An Emerging Novelist at 70

Late-life inspiration leads to pulpy noir novel

by Lydialyle Gibson