Social Sciences

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Culture in the Cold War

In a new book, Louis Menand probes the cultural currents of postwar America.

by Spencer Lee Lenfield

Shaping Cities

Stephen Gray pioneers equitable urban design.

by Jacob Sweet

Due Process

Jeannie Suk Gersen on the law, trauma, and “the rhetoric of believing”

by Lydialyle Gibson

“A Prayer for Our Country”

Author Isabel Wilkerson kicks off a Harvard speaker series on storytelling and public health.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Coronavirus Mutations Threaten to Worsen Pandemic

Despite vaccines, Harvard scientists warn, more-transmissible variants make COVID-19 harder to control.

by Jonathan Shaw

Will Congress Fix the Testing Debacle?

Amid skirmishing on the stimulus bill, another chance for wider viral detection 

by Jonathan Shaw

Can Financial Crises Be Predicted?

Contrary to expert belief, some financial crises can be predicted—and perhaps averted.

by Jonathan Shaw

First-Gen Inclusion and Belonging

Rachel Gable’s research on helping first-generation and low-income students succeed at elite colleges

by John S. Rosenberg

The Loneliness Pandemic

As the country isolates, are we all alone?

by Jacob Sweet

The American Exception

How faith shapes economic and social policy