Social Sciences

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Understanding Ebola

The 2014 epidemic was rooted in centuries of exploitation and war, Paul Farmer argues.

by Jonathan Shaw

Rebecca Henderson: Does Capitalism Need to be Reimagined?

How to reform capitalism to confront climate change and extreme inequality, with economist and McArthur University Professor Rebecca Henderson

At Home with Harvard: Election Day

In a year like no other, read a selection of Harvard Magazine stories on the forces that will shape the presidential election outcome. 

The Pandemic’s “Perfect and Terrible Storm”

Seasonality and SARS-CoV-2

by Jonathan Shaw

Caroline Buckee: Can Mobile-phone Data Help Control the Spread of the Coronavirus?

Anonymized location data can help guide strategies for protecting public health in a pandemic.

Harvard Professors Elected to the National Academy of Medicine

More than a dozen Harvard faculty members are honored. 

by Jonathan Shaw

Dementias Linked to Air Pollution

Hospitalizations for neurological disease rise with increases in fine particle pollution.

by Jonathan Shaw

The $16-Trillion Virus

Economic damage makes a compelling argument for robust federal policies to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.

by Jonathan Shaw

Alumnus Robert B. Wilson and Paul Milgrom Share 2020 Nobel Prize in Economics

A scholar and his student share their field’s best-known honor.

by Jean Martin