Social Sciences

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Jobs and Jail

Sandra Susan Smith studies work and incarceration in an unequal, atomized America.

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Power, Petitions, and the People

Petitioning campaigns are a vital complement to democratic voting.

by Jonathan Shaw

Is There Better Than Better?

Ellen Langer rejects binary thinking, embracing instead a “third way.”

by Erin O'Donnell

Linking Mental and Fiscal Health

Around the globe, Vikram Patel finds, improvements in financial or mental health support both.

by Veronique Greenwood

News Briefs

Bigger Allston ambitions, an admissions-lawsuit appeal, and a new center for cities

The Fight for the Republic

Bill Kristol discusses the future of the Republican Party and the survival of American constitutional democracy. 

by Jonathan Shaw

Making Voters Care About Climate Change

A professor and a marketing professional try a new tack in climate-change communications.

by Jonathan Shaw

Alternatives to Policing

A Law School report offers the City of Boston recommendations for reform.

by Lydialyle Gibson

A Roadmap for Reforming Civic Education

A U.S. Department of Education-funded study, coauthored by Danielle Allen, calls for urgent reinvestment in civic education.

by Spencer Lee Lenfield

Baking Sourdough Bread Is a Survival Instinct

A Harvard grandmother’s—and grandson’s—research

by Jacob Sweet