Science & Technology

Chinese Trade Dragons

How Will China’s Rapid Growth in the Clean Technology Industry Reshape U.S.-China Policy?

by Olivia Farrar

Dementias Linked to Air Pollution

Hospitalizations for neurological disease rise with increases in fine particle pollution.

by Jonathan Shaw

Daniel Schrag and David Keith: Can Solar Geoengineering Help Fight Climate Change?

Some changes cannot be stopped, but reflecting sunlight back into space could slow their pace.

Lessons in Dementia’s Decline?

Dementia is decreasing in Europe and North America. Why not the rest of the world?

by Matteo Wong

Detecting Breast Cancer Everywhere

A portable, simple testing technology promises accurate breast-cancer diagnosis and treatment in low- and middle-income countries.

by Jordan Smith

Controlling the Global Thermostat

Coming to terms with climate change’s relentless, long-term fallout

by Jonathan Shaw

Jennifer A. Doudna, Ph.D. ’89, and Emmanuelle Charpentier Share Chemistry Nobel

Recognized for developing genome-editing technique

by John S. Rosenberg

Gravid and COVID

The challenges of researching the pandemic’s effects on pregnant women

by Matteo Wong

“Hands On” with Fragile Glass Sea Creatures

Complementary imaging techniques combine to create 3-D models that virtual visitors can examine from any angle.

by Matteo Wong

Unraveling the Universe through Puzzles

In his freshman seminar, Cumrun Vafa uses puzzles to help students understand complex physics.

by Steve Nadis

Did Milk Build the Mongol Empire?

Ancient dental plaque points to the historical significance of dairy culture on the Eurasian Steppe.

by Jonathan Shaw