Science & Technology

Chinese Trade Dragons

How Will China’s Rapid Growth in the Clean Technology Industry Reshape U.S.-China Policy?

by Olivia Farrar

Seeing Life

Re-engaging with nature alongside the director of the Arnold Arboretum

by William Friedman

Peabody Museum Discovers Possible Slave Remains in Its Collections

“We must begin to confront the reality of a past in which academic curiosity and opportunity overwhelmed humanity,” Harvard president Lawrence Bacow wrote. 

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Coronavirus Mutations Threaten to Worsen Pandemic

Despite vaccines, Harvard scientists warn, more-transmissible variants make COVID-19 harder to control.

by Jonathan Shaw

“A 500-Year Building”

A new center for engineering and applied sciences—finally

by Jonathan Shaw

Biological Vaccine Factories

An implantable cancer vaccine shows promise in training the immune system to attack tumors.

by Erin O'Donnell

How Acupuncture Relieves Inflammation

“Fine-tuning” an ancient practice to heal, not harm

Understanding Ebola

The 2014 epidemic was rooted in centuries of exploitation and war, Paul Farmer argues.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Pandemic’s “Perfect and Terrible Storm”

Seasonality and SARS-CoV-2

by Jonathan Shaw

Caroline Buckee: Can Mobile-phone Data Help Control the Spread of the Coronavirus?

Anonymized location data can help guide strategies for protecting public health in a pandemic.

Harvard Professors Elected to the National Academy of Medicine

More than a dozen Harvard faculty members are honored. 

by Jonathan Shaw