Health & Medicine

Loneliness—Bad for Body and Mind

Harvard study finds link between loneliness and increased risk of stroke among older adults.

by Jack R. Trapanick

COVID-19 Common Sense

Harvard experts on healthy holiday gatherings—and the risk of a “tripledemic”

by Jonathan Shaw

Public Health Dean to Step Down

Michelle Williams led the School of Public Health during the pandemic.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Causes of Long COVID

Trying to understand infections’ persistent effects—and to develop cures

by Jonathan Shaw

Public Health Messaging in a Pandemic

How much intervention is too much, or not enough, when addressing a politically and socially diverse population?

by Isabel Mehta

Tracking Omicron on Campuses

University campuses provide an ideal setting for monitoring the spread of new variants.

by Isabel Mehta

“No Going Back to Normal”

Addressing the complexities of children’s mental health

by Jacob Sweet

What Can Be Used to Treat COVID-19?

Harvard experts weigh in on the state and future of COVID-19 therapies.

by Nancy Walecki

How the Pandemic Killed the Uninfected

COVID-19’s toll on black patients extends to those who never got the virus.

by Erin O'Donnell

The Broken Social Contract

Danielle Allen on America’s broken social contract

Presiding during the Pandemic

President Bacow on pandemic and academic Harvard

by John S. Rosenberg