Health & Medicine

Loneliness—Bad for Body and Mind

Harvard study finds link between loneliness and increased risk of stroke among older adults.

by Jack R. Trapanick

The Omicron Semester

Staving off the surge

by John S. Rosenberg

Does Omicron Cause “Mild” COVID-19?

New evidence suggests the threat of severe infections.

by Jonathan Shaw

Omnibus Omicron Intelligence

Harvard Medical School experts on viral evolution, vaccines, the immune system—and what’s next

by Jonathan Shaw

The Omicron Semester

Harvard prepares for a pandemic-influenced spring term.

by John S. Rosenberg

President Bacow on Harvard in the Months Ahead

Perspectives on the pandemic, continued academic progress, finances, governance, and more

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Goes Remote for January Term as Pandemic Intensifies

Rising coronavirus cases prompt a new round of precautions

by John S. Rosenberg

A Surge on Top of a Surge

Rising cases on campus—and in communities worldwide

by Jonathan Shaw

Against Delta, Moderna Edges Pfizer, but Omicron Looms

A head-to-head comparison in 440,000 vaccinated veterans finds Moderna’s vaccine is slightly more effective than Pfizer’s at preventing a range of COVID-19 outcomes.

by Jonathan Shaw

“No Longer Eligible to Work at Harvard”

The University’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate takes effect December 8.

by John S. Rosenberg

Reopening. . .Carefully

Resuming Harvard in residence, with continuing coronavirus cautions

by John S. Rosenberg