Health & Medicine

Loneliness—Bad for Body and Mind

Harvard study finds link between loneliness and increased risk of stroke among older adults.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Fixing the COVID-19 Swab Supply Chain

Engineers at the Wyss Institute address a critical shortage of nasal swabs.

by Jonathan Shaw

Will Harvard’s Campus Reopen for Fall?

Provost Alan Garber outlines the possibilities and options—and the College prepares for continued remote teaching, if necessary

by John S. Rosenberg

Alone on Harvard’s Campus

Most days, I see no one at all.

by Jeremy Tsai

Letting Go of the “Ideal” Classroom

“The ‘ideal’ classroom never existed anyway, at least not in a perfectly equitable manner,” writes Julie Chung ’20. 

by Julie Chung

"We Can Endure"

Poet and physician Rafael Campo on connection and empathy in caregiving during the pandemic’s isolation

by Lydialyle Gibson

No Easy Answers

Tackling the pandemic's hard ethical and social questions in an online Harvard discussion with Michael Sandel

by Lydialyle Gibson

My Zero-Minute Commute to Zoom University

“The biggest obstacle to our collective learning is the elephant in the room: a global pandemic, taking place amid existing inequalities,” writes Drew Pendergrass ’20. 

by Drew Pendergrass

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences Freezes Faculty Hiring

Dean Gay outlines near-term actions—and “the definition of a hard problem” facing the FAS.

by John S. Rosenberg

How Harvard’s Professional Schools Will Cope with the Economic Crisis

Deans articulate their diverse faculties’ divergent priorities (and problems)—plus an MIT perspective

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Announces Salary, Hiring Freezes and Other Spending Cuts

University belt-tightening announced, plus further information on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences—and higher education

by John S. Rosenberg