Books & Literary Life

A Democratic Landscape

Michael Van Valkenburgh and the making of Brooklyn Bridge Park

Democracy Endangered

American democracy endangered by minority rule

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

Living the Science Fiction Fantasy

Novelist Catherine Asaro’s space operas

by Lydialyle Gibson

Educational Ascent

Ruth Simmons on her ascent from sharecropper’s daughter to scholar

Tom Hyry

What Harvard's special collections librarian has learned from athletics, activism

by Max J. Krupnick

Shakespeare’s Uncanny Presence

Marjorie Garber explores the bard’s influence on the Bloomsbury Group.

Off the Shelf

Recent books with Harvard connections

How Revolutions Happen

Robert Darnton on the origins of the French Revolutionary temperament

Anna Jacobson Schwartz

Brief life of a pioneering economist: 1915-2012

by Jennifer Burns

Black Students Speak

Jarvis Givens on two centuries of African American education 

by Lydialyle Gibson