“Edifying and Beautiful”

Botanical illustrations on display at Harvard’s rare book library

by Jack R. Trapanick

A Man and His Castle

Gothic surroundings, spiritualism, and science: Hammond Castle Museum’s eclectic appeal

by Nell Porter Brown

An Auspicious View

This folding fan enfolds two sacred mountains.

by Lydialyle Gibson

History, Crowdsourced

Volunteer transcribers help make Harvard library documents accessible.

by Diane E. Booton

Hip-Hop Art and French Innovators

Winter exhibits at the Museum of Fine Arts

by Nell Porter Brown

Urban Adventure Quest, Boston

Scavenger-hunting in historic Boston

by Nell Porter Brown

Artful Gifts

Holiday gifts that support the arts

by Nell Porter Brown

Being With the Other

A Radcliffe exhibition explores a lifetime of artwork and female friendship

by Lydialyle Gibson

Museums, Making Their Way

Pandemic perspectives from the Getty and the Harvard Art Museums—and art’s role in refreshing “the dialogue with other human beings”

by Caroline Engelmayer

“Hands On” with Fragile Glass Sea Creatures

Complementary imaging techniques combine to create 3-D models that virtual visitors can examine from any angle.

by Matteo Wong

Rebelling and Expelling

The Class of 1823 goes rogue and gets booted.

by Jacob Sweet