
A Royal Tunic

Unraveling an Inca masterpiece’s secrets

by Max J. Krupnick

Warrior Artists

Lakota drawings inspire a dramatic exhibition.

by Christopher Reed

Pith Paper

On Tetrapanax papyriferum and Chinese art

A Lover's Picnic

The late Stuart Cary Welch was a connoisseur of lovers’ picnics and the world of Persian and Indian art.

The Children of Noah

A map showing “The Dispersal of the Children of Noah,” in an exhibit at the Andover-Harvard Theological Library, reflects dispute by Puritan theologian Hugh Broughton...

"Launched into Eternity"

Broadsides and hangings in old England...

Vintage Brevities

The Harvard Map Collection in Pusey Library has recently become home to more than 10,000 map postcards...

Glass Jelly

The blue beauty at left is Porpita mediterranea rendered in glass, reproduced here at about twice life size. These jellies, moved by wind and...

History Bronzed

Harvard people with medals they aren’t sure what to do with have often given them to the University. Many of these impressions of history...

"Flim-Flam Finance"

The stock market plummets. Credit is tight. Bankers quake. Then J.P. Morgan organizes a consortium of financial saviors to provide cash to banks...


When Harvard curator of fossil insects Frank M. Carpenter dug up this wing in an Oklahoma prairie in 1940, he held a piece of the first evidence...