
A Royal Tunic

Unraveling an Inca masterpiece’s secrets

by Max J. Krupnick

Space Invaders

The world’s first magazine devoted to science fiction, Amazing Stories, was born in 1926, a year before Frederick I. Ordway III...

The Family Silver

One could call these ceremonial spoons the “family silver of Northwest Coast nobility,” says Bill Holm, curator emeritus at the...

Imperial Salukis

“Chinese emperors were expected to be cultured gentlemen, whether they were or not,” says Robert D. Mowry, Dworsky curator of...

Blades of Yore

Here we see the skates and stick (blade left) of Leverett Saltonstall ’14, LL.B. ’17, LL.D. ’42, who made at least one notable...

Industrial Lives

Professor Donald Davenport of the Harvard Business School hoped to teach the incipient captains of industry in his classroom, who tended to look...

Audience Response

George Pierce Baker had been teaching playwriting in English 47 when he had an epiphany: No critical comment from a professor could possibly be...

Shots in the Dark

The Z closet in Houghton Library is called that because Z is not used in the accession codes for the ordinary run of items in the collection:...

Hope in Jars

Photographs by Jim Harrison Herbs, roots, spices, ointments, lohochs, electuaries, syrups, aromatic waters, et cetera, et cetera—the...

Money Rules

The legend on the engraving Gellt Zeucht die Weltt, below, sums up the message of the exhibition Coin and Conscience: Popular Views of Money...

Cosmopolitan Horse

Photograph courtesy of Harvard University Art Museums Vital, handsome, standing four-square, its tail raised, neck arched, head lifted...