The College Pump


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI

Sea Sex

Channeling Valentine’s Day—and sustainable oceans—via sexy sea creatures


Nutcracker notes, and a memorable blackout

Thrills, Baseball & Other

How Jim Connor got to Harvard, and Isadore Zarakov’s home run

Mystery Solved

A Harvard Club discovery, a College artist’s epiphany

Loot, Vinegar, Blisters

Goalpost antics, Harvard vinegar, and the flip-flop menace

The Pump Overflows

Astonishing linguist Calvert Watkins

Youthful Ardors

Love Story locale, and other passionate pursuits

So Long for a Time

Baez, Dylan, and more vignettes from Harvard’s class of 1964


A World War I Harvard aviator, plus a Game-worthy car buff and his wheels


"Ten Thousand Men of Harvard”—the logo, and John Harvard’s shoes