The College Pump


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI

Harvard Talking

Touring Yale, trombone sextet, and talking back to John Foster Dulles

Festival Rites: The Underside

On the uses of mortarboards, and a centenarian’s update

Skull Walking

Anatomy on view, and the return of Pooh


How the gray squirrels came to Harvard Yard

Snuggle Time

Petting zoo on the Plaza, a Harvard/Yale man, and a late-blooming novelist

How to Beat the Heat

A race in Antarctica, a rescue on Everest, a dip into the past

Philosophic Fun

A Theory of Justice as musical comedy, and the class of ’44

“Lighthouse Thomas”

From a hole in the ground to Harvard

Statistics, No Lies

Statistically, a Harvard man—and Vigeland on MacLeish

Blessed Unexpectedly

Tennessee Williams, Mother Teresa…and Gore Vidal