
Three Cheers

Welcoming the magazine’s new publisher and two editorial colleagues

Cambridge 02138

Letters on Angela Davis, the Bureau of Study Counsel, climate change, and more

Allston in Focus

President Bacow describes the potential for Harvard’s new Allston campus to benefit both gown and town.

by Lawrence Bacow

About Athletics

Articulating a vision for Crimson athletes—and fellow students

Cambridge 02138

Letters on family roots, Dani Rodrik, opioid associations, and more

Climate Change

President Bacow describes Harvard’s multifaceted approach to “a defining challenge of our time.”

by Lawrence Bacow

A Chill in the Air?

From Bureau of Study Counsel to Academic Resource Center

Cambridge 02138

Letters on Justice Holmes, another shoeless feat, athletic admissions, and more

Thinner Ice

An admissions scandal further damages the reputation of selective institutions of higher education.

Cambridge 01238 

Letters on opioids, the Bauhaus, legacy admissions, and more

“No more pencils, no more books…”

Students’ Top 10 list: it’s not academic