
Three Cheers

Welcoming the magazine’s new publisher and two editorial colleagues

Enduring Connections

President Bacow on friendships formed among and between scholars and students

by Lawrence Bacow

Cambridge 02138

Letters on care after the ICU, artificial intelligence, belonging, and more


President Bacow on Harvard and excellence

by Lawrence Bacow

What Counts

Wanted: Big ideas from the humanities

What Legacy?

Affirmative action, donor and staff preferences, and other Harvard College admissions challenges

Cambridge 02138

Letters on admissions, academic presses, the solicitor general, and more

With Our Thanks

With appreciation to two Harvard Magazine artists


President Larry Bacow on Truth

by Lawrence Bacow

Cambridge 02138

Letters on President Bacow, the solicitor general, Facebook, and more

At the Core

Matching Harvard’s money to its mission