Harvard Squared

black and white cows grazing in a green field with trees
A guide to the arts and culture, history, cuisine, and natural beauty of Cambridge, Boston, and beyond.

Betting on Lookout Farm

A pandemic-era restaurant-plus-farm thrives in Natick, Massachusetts

by Nell Porter Brown

Curiosities: A Fantasy Trip

 “Enchanted: A History of Fantasy Illustration,” at the Norman Rockwell Museum

by Nell Porter Brown

Harvard Square, Redux

What’s new—and unchanged—in the historic heart of Cambridge

by Nell Porter Brown

True North

Here’s where to plan your next fall adventure in Vermont and Maine.

by Kara Baskin

Here Comes the Sun

Where to explore, relax, and renew this season, from the Berkshires to the beach

by Kara Baskin

Peabody Essex Museum’s “In American Waters”

From oceanic voyages to romping in the waves, a new exhibit explores relationships to water.

by Nell Porter Brown

New Bedford

Exploring the coastal fishing hub’s history, architecture, parks, and arts scene

by Nell Porter Brown

Boston’s Cycleboat Cruises

Enjoying inner harbor views and history

by Nell Porter Brown

The Gardens at Elm Bank “Get People Growing”

Massachusetts Horticultural Society renews its mission.

by Nell Porter Brown

Jaju’s Premiere Pierogies

Two sisters’ culinary venture honors their Polish American roots.

by Nell Porter Brown

illustration of a bee and a yellow flower

Science Center Farmers’ Market, botanical artists, exploring the Boston Harbor islands—and more

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Abby Shepard