
Mechanical Intelligence and Counterfeit Humanity

Reflections on six decades of relations with computers

by Harry R. Lewis

Adamantios Korais

Brief life of a leader of the Greek Enlightenment: 1748-1833

by Panagiotis Roilos

Reporting, with an M.B.A.

Charles Duhigg unpacks how individuals and organizations work at war, on Wall Street, and in Silicon Valley

by Jonathan Shaw

The Poet of Old Age

Donald Hall, chronicler of life

by Adam Kirsch

The Mystery of Smell

COVID-19 shines a spotlight on a once-obscure field of science.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Edgar James Banks

Brief life of an entrepreneurial archaeologist: 1866-1945

by Nancy Freudenthal

The Food Waste Problem

Emily Broad Leib combats wasted food worldwide.

by Jacob Sweet

Speaking Pheromone

How science is done, in the lab of E.O. Wilson

by Richard Rhodes

The State of the Pandemic

Lessons learned from the continuing confrontation with the coronavirus

by Jonathan Shaw

The Poco of Pocos

Brief life of a Harvard “character”

by Hanna Rose Shell

A Yukon Life

Choosing a path far from Harvard

by Eric Hegsted