Marina N. Bolotnikova

BU Law Professor Khiara Bridges Teaches Critical Race Theory at Harvard Law

And why it is a subject of protest at Harvard Law School

Harvard Corporation to Drop Law School Shield Linked to Slavery

The announcement follows a Law School committee’s recommendation to abandon the shield. 

Harvard Law School Committee Recommends Abandoning Shield Linked to Slavery

The recommendation follows three months of investigation into the shield’s history. 

Harvard Files Amicus Brief with NLRB in Graduate Student Unionization Case

The University argues that the relationship between graduate students and universities should remain academic, not managerial, and student labor unions would “damage private sector graduate education.”

Harvard House Masters Renamed Faculty Deans

The change follows months of debate on diversity and inclusion at the College. 

Harvard confronts the challenges of inclusion

The Harvard community confronts the challenges of inclusion. 

Harvard historians: ice records shed light on medieval climate

Historians at Harvard's Initiative for the Science of the Human Past investigate ice cores.

Economists debate the merits of school choice

Economists rethink the merits of school-choice systems.

Graduate School Doubles Paid Time Off for Student Parents

The annnouncement comes amid a movement to form a graduate student labor union. 

Lowell House Renewal to Last Two Years

Lowell residents will live in swing housing from the fall of 2017 through the spring of 2019. 

Harvard Graduate Students Move to Unionize

Graduate students seek to form a labor union.

Frank Gehry to Receive Harvard Arts Medal

Gehry is the first architect to earn the distinction.