Marina N. Bolotnikova

Dining Hall Workers Move Toward Strike Next Week

Wages, health benefits, and year-round work are at issue. 

Can Harvard Advance Social Justice and Inclusion?

A new presidential task force attempts to square the demands of students with the University’s daily life.

Harvard dining hall workers vote to strike

After protracted negotiations, Harvard dining hall workers vote to strike. 

Private Universities Must Recognize Graduate-Student Unions, NLRB Rules

The National Labor Relations Board ruling overturns prior law—and Harvard’s own position.

The Purpose of Harvard Law School

Why do Harvard Law students flock overwhelmingly to corporate law?

Aiding the “Doubly Disadvantaged”

Sociologist Anthony Jack studies two types of low-income students.

Harvard Portrait: Michael Brenner

Applied mathematician Michael Brenner on not knowing anything

Douglas Elmendorf on progressive policy and economics

New HKS dean Douglas Elmendorf talks progressive policy and economics.

Naomi Oreskes on How to Write about Science

Naomi Oreskes on climate change, politics, and advice for science journalists

Are Hospital Pay-for-Performance Programs Failing?

Harvard researchers ask whether market incentives can improve healthcare. 

Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action

Harvard had filed a brief urging the Court to uphold affirmative action last year. 

Harvard Portrait: Dustin Tingley

Political scientist Dustin Tingley studies the politics of everyday life.