Lydialyle Gibson

The Philosopher of the Real World

Susanna Siegel moves beyond dialectical debates.

Tobacco Smoke and Tuberculosis

Harvard researchers illuminate a longstanding epidemiological connection. 

Painful Questions from Indigenous Leaders

A conference on Harvard’s history of injustice against Native Americans 

What Can Be Done About Gun Violence?

ATF director Steven Dettelbach discusses background checks, assault weapon bans, and an “overwhelming problem.” 

Five Harvardians win MacArthur Fellowships

Historian Imani Perry wins for her scholarship on black Americans’ resistance to racism

Performing for the President

A musical and poetic “prelude” to Claudine Gay’s installation festivities

The Uses of Discomfort

The first in a series of public conversations about Harvard and the legacy of slavery

Black Students Speak

Jarvis Givens on two centuries of African American education 

The Return of History

Ukrainian scholar Serhii Plokhy on the war in his home country

Getting His Reps in

Anwar Floyd-Pruitt’s wildly profuse art

A Bioethics View of Brain Organoids

Philosopher Insoo Hyun on one of the fastest moving fields in science. 

A New Contract for HUCTW

A year-plus of hard-fought negotiations yield pay raises and other benefits for union members.