Jonathan Shaw

Harvard Magazine
Jonathan Shaw is Managing Editor.

Human and Machine Intelligence

Launching Harvard’s Kempner Institute

Harvard Launches Science and Engineering Startup Program

The Grid will provide funding, mentoring, educational programming, and dedicated workspace to support startups from Harvard labs.  

Defeat by Truth Is Victory

President Lawrence S. Bacow’s fall Morning Prayers address at Memorial Church

Seeking the First Speakers of Indo-European Language

Ancient DNA sheds new light on the origins of a lingua franca.

The Causes of Long COVID

Trying to understand infections’ persistent effects—and to develop cures

Origins of the Urban Housing Crisis

The high costs of environmental, historic-preservation, and other good intentions

Victor Clay

The new police chief introduces a new policing culture.

Harvard Files Brief in Affirmative Action Appeal

The Supreme Court will hear arguments this fall.

Allston Commercial Development Advances

Boston approves plan with more affordable housing from the developer and Harvard.

$200 Million Gift Underwrites Climate and Sustainability Institute

Vice provost James Stock to direct Harvard’s new Salata Institute  

The End of Shopping Week

After much debate, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences votes to replace shopping week with previous-term registration.