Jonathan Shaw

Harvard Magazine
Jonathan Shaw is Managing Editor.

Spotting Pollutants from Space

A satellite-mounted instrument developed at the Center for Astrophysics will track air pollution hourly across North America.

Alumni Day with Mary Louise Kelly

The All Things Considered cohost emphasized the importance of reporting to democracy.

“The Wise Person Learns from All People”

In his valedictory baccalaureate address, President Bacow emphasizes the value of humility.

Saluting the 2023 Centennial Medalists

Six alumni of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are honored.

Harvard Discloses Administrator and Investment Manager Pay

The annual report on leaders’ compensation

Fixing a “World on Fire”

Addressing the climate crisis at the Salata Institute’s first symposium

Harvard’s Sustainability Plan

A holistic approach to human and planetary health considers other impacts of fossil fuel combustion, not just greenhouse gases.

Faculty Honors, and a Farewell

A changing of the guard, in Mass Hall and University Hall

Ken Griffin’s Naming Gift for the Graduate School

Prominent donor further supports Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

“All Climate Change Is Local”

Assessing hurricane risk and climate adaptation in coastal Massachusetts

Seeking Climate Solutions

Teams of Harvard researchers have developed concrete proposals for addressing specific climate impacts.

Mikhail Lukin Named University Professor

The co-director of the quantum science and engineering initiative receives Harvard's highest faculty honor.