Jonathan Shaw

Harvard Magazine
Jonathan Shaw is Managing Editor.

Harvard Portrait: Roxanne Guenette

Seeking answers to science’s biggest questions

The Xfund’s liberal-arts entrepreneurs

The Xfund helps young entrepreneurs launch companies and careers.

Fast-spreading coronavirus variants raise concerns

Despite vaccines, Harvard scientists warn, more-transmissible variants make COVID-19 harder to control.

Rapid Tests Key to Control of COVID-19

Amid skirmishing on the stimulus bill, another chance for wider viral detection 

Asset bubbles and credit growth precede financial crises.

Contrary to expert belief, some financial crises can be predicted—and perhaps averted.

Harvard’s new Science and Engineering Complex

A new center for engineering and applied sciences—finally

Harvard Portrait: Cassandra Albinson

A curator takes a fresh look at portraits of aristocratic European women.

Paul Farmer on the West Africa Ebola Epidemic

The 2014 epidemic was rooted in centuries of exploitation and war, Paul Farmer argues.

Seasonality of the SARS 2 Coronavirus

Seasonality and SARS-CoV-2

National Academy of Medicine Elects New Members

More than a dozen Harvard faculty members are honored. 

Hospitalization for neurological disease rises with air pollution

Hospitalizations for neurological disease rise with increases in fine particle pollution.

Economic damages of pandemic estimated at $16 trillion

Economic damage makes a compelling argument for robust federal policies to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2.