Erin O'Donnell

Latinos Nix Violence

First-generation immigrants are more likely to be law-abiding than third-generation Americans of similar socioeconomic status, reports Robert...

Twigs Bent Left of Right

How did Franklin Delano Roosevelt ’04, born in 1882 to a privileged, aristocratic life in New York’s Hudson River Valley, become a...

Rocks into Gas

Geologists have long believed that the world's supply of oil and natural gas came from the decay of primordial plant and animal matter, which...

Fertility and Destiny

Current low birthrates among highly educated women pose a challenge to the U.S. economy and may compound existing social problems, says David...

Blackboard Brain Drain

When children return to classrooms this fall, they're less likely than ever to find a very smart teacher standing at the front of the class...

Upside for Downloads

Last year, pop star Madonna went on the attack in the war over file sharing, the popular but illegal practice of downloading copyrighted music...

Pliable Paradigms

If ever someone understood the challenges of changing people's minds, it was Charles Darwin. After doing his research in the Galápagos...