Craig Lambert

Jean's McGarry's dark fiction about a regional subculture of Rhode Island

Fiction that paints a regional subculture with “merciless realism.”

Clayton Christensen on disruptive innovation

Innovation guru Clayton Christensen on spreading his gospel, the Gospel, and how to win with the electric car

Disruptive innovation and wireless technology in Africa

Disruptive innovation might boost telecommunications in Africa.

Sage Stossel's graphic novel, Starling, depicts an anti-superheroine.

“Starling” can handle thugs and palookas, but not daily life.

Maya Jasanoff sees uses of fiction in study of history

Historian Maya Jasanoff says fiction can capture the subjective experience of the past.

Jessica Ambats shoots air-to-air photographs of airplanes

Jessica Ambats '95 makes amazing photographs of airplanes from the air.

Three brothers, the Satterthwaites, compete in Ivy League swimming.

Chris, Tim, and Sean Satterthwaite all compete in Ivy League swimming meets.

Seedpod photographs by Anna Laurent

Little packages of DNA that explode with beauty

Anita Elberse on the big business of blockbusters

In entertainment, big bets on likely winners rule.