Christopher Reed

Canine Mouthpiece

Interviewing dogs can be a challenge, but fortunately Watson and Cricket have e-mail. Q: If you were recuperating in a hospital, who would you...

Paradise Lost?

Five thousand years ago in the Mesopotamian marshes, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in southern Iraq, the Sumerians began history. They...


In June of 1955, Agnes Mongan, then assistant director and curator of drawings at Harvard's Fogg Art Museum, bought a drawing by Henri Matisse, A Lady with Flowers and Pomegranates, for $325...

This Old (Red) House

For most of its 202-year history, the cottage at 98 Winthrop Street has been a private residence. A year ago, Paul Overgaag, owner of the now...

Dining by Degrees

SUMMA Upstairs on the Square (91 Winthrop Street, 617-864-1933) is a reincarnation of Upstairs at the Pudding, and the faithful rejoice. The...


If there is going to be a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict," says Robert H. Mnookin, "the rough outlines of what...

The Copernicus Quest

Owen Gingerich, Ph.D. '62, takes a seat on his "rocket cart"—a dolly with a steering stick in front, a straight-backed chair...

Buckskin Diplomacy

The objects Lewis and Clark acquired in negotiations with Indian nations have much to say.

Miserable She's Not

She made a high-energy but graceful entrance, nothing too theatrical, sat in a director's chair at a butcherblock coffee table in this...


Long before it became a fraternity of the atrociously behaved and was taken out behind the barn and shot, the Pi Eta Speakers Club occupied a...

Best Friend Bests Chimp

A chimpanzee enters a room where food is hidden in one of two opaque containers. A human gazes at the container that hides the food. Reaches...


Grenville Lindall Winthrop, A.B. 1886, LL.B. '89, had a passion for beauty. He had financial resources, leisure, and eclectic tastes, and...