Christopher Reed

Warrior Artists

Lakota drawings inspire a dramatic exhibition.

Animals Speak Color

Kit Reed introduces an exhibition at the Harvard Museum of Natural History that reveals the different roles color plays in the animal and plant kingdoms.

Large Successes

Tapas of distinction at Small Plates restaurant and wine bar...

Sunday Indulgences

Brunch, as you like it: recommendations for Commencement week....

White marble sculptures of antiquity

The English essayist and critic William Hazlitt gazed on the white marble sculptures of antiquity and thought them cold. “[T]he finest...

Honorable Forester

Peter Shaw Ashton stepped into his first Asian tropical forest 50 years ago last March. For what he has accomplished in those steamy reaches, he...

Ripening Nicely

Soon Harvard’s sidewalk superintendents will turn their attention to Allston because that’s where the hardhats will go. For the next...

"The Monet of the Mountaintop"

Peter C. Liman, M.A.T. ’63, spent his business career as a marketing executive in toiletries and over-the-counter...

A True Believer

But first, a word about the Florida scrub jay. “Before the invention of the air conditioner, Florida was a spectacular wilderness,&rdquo...

Where the Eyeballs Are

“These are trying times for political cartoonists,” observes Kevin P. Kallaugher ’77. “I’m trying something new...

An “Oracle of Aqua”

“Ours is a society of sensual eunuchs, impotent to the callings of the wildness within and as a result, the pull of that which resides...


The social status of physicians rose in the eighteenth century as their understanding of disease grew apace. But effective new treatments or...