
Chinese Trade Dragons

How Will China’s Rapid Growth in the Clean Technology Industry Reshape U.S.-China Policy?

by Olivia Farrar

Kosher Catering 101

Feast preparations by a caterer in a kosher kitchen, captured in a Harvard Magazine original video.

Taking Smoking Seriously

View ads from Massachusetts and Armenia designed to scare smokers into quitting.

Eating Ice Cream with the Devil

Conductor Alan Gilbert ’89 has shaken things up at the New York Philharmonic. In this video selection, see how.

Skull Session

Take a tour of the human skull, and learn how shoes affect a runner's gait, with Daniel Lieberman.

Studying Suicide

Learn about computerized tests that evaluate whether someone is at risk of attempting suicide. Plus, related links and an article from the magazine archives.

Music and Lyrics

Clips from the career of librettist John Weidman ’68, including a Sesame Street sketch, excerpts from Assassins, and Weidman's reflections on works staged at Lincoln Center

Journey to the Amazon

In this video, travel to Brazil with Harvard climatologists to see their work and the plants and critters they encountered.

Squash, Mike Way’s Way

Watch this video for a lesson on the drop shot with the Harvard squash coach.

Anger Management

Researchers at Children's Hospital Boston develop a video game to help children with anger problems handle their emotions. See how it works.

“Surprise Yourself”

View a clip from Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman ’03 and directed by Darren Aronofsky ’91.