Harvard School of Public Health

Harvard Launches Center for LGBTQ Health

Addressing preventable causes of illness based in discrimination

by Jack R. Trapanick

Rallying Cries

Steven Choi, J.D. ’04, works—and fights—at the vitriolic epicenter of immigration politics.

by Nell Porter Brown

Reworking the Workplace

A Harvard Law School initiative calls for a revitalized labor law “to shift power from corporations to workers.”

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Alan Jenkins

A brief look at a Harvard Law School professor's long journey

by Jacob Sweet


The Law School launches a “Shield Working Group,” Allston update, keeping tabs on “fake news,” and more

Sexual Harassment Survivors Condemn Harvard's Investigation Process

Accusers of former Harvard government professor Jorge Domínguez speak out about their experiences. 

by Lydialyle Gibson

One Hundred Years of Educating Educators

At its centennial, the Harvard Graduate School of Education celebrates and looks ahead. 

by Jacob Sweet

Graduate Students Strike

HGSU-UAW members go out on strike two days before reading period. 

by Marina N. Bolotnikova

Preparing for a Profession

Online summer programs get students ready for inclusive M.B.A., J.D., and M.Ed. studies.

by John S. Rosenberg

Engineering Life

For synthetic biologists, there appears to be no limit to what they can build.

by Jonathan Shaw

Forum: Doing Less Harm

David Hemenway advocates a pragmatic, public-health-based solution to gun homicides and suicides.

by David Hemenway