Harvard School of Public Health

Harvard Launches Center for LGBTQ Health

Addressing preventable causes of illness based in discrimination

by Jack R. Trapanick

Should Convicted Felons Serve on Juries?

A prosecutor and a defense attorney say, “Yes.”

by Juliet Isselbacher

Words to Live By

A sampler of wisdom shared at Harvard’s graduate and professional school Commencement ceremonies

by Jonathan Shaw

The Morning Exercises, Virtual Again

The Morning Exercises—further adapted for the era of COVID and streaming—come with strong messages about racial justice.

by John S. Rosenberg , Jacob Sweet

Centennial Medalists 2021

Four alumni of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences are honored.

by Jonathan Shaw

The Baccalaureate, and a Multitude of Distinct Graduations 2021

President Bacow on reconnecting with other people, and new First-Gen and LGBTQ+ graduation celebrations join the roster

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Returns to Normal This Fall

University leaders announce that full, in-person operations will resume, with continuing public-health protocols.

by Lydialyle Gibson , Jacob Sweet

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Tidies Up Pandemic and Single-Gender Policies

Honors teaching excellence, and the memory of Nathan Glazer, in last regular meeting of the academic year

by John S. Rosenberg

Education, Reschooled

Harvard Graduate School of Education introduces core courses and a restructured professional curriculum.

by John S. Rosenberg

Alternatives to Policing

A Law School report offers the City of Boston recommendations for reform.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Scrubbing Supply Chains

Harvard leveraged construction of its new Science and Engineering Complex to remove harmful chemicals from building-materials supply chains.

by Jonathan Shaw