Alexander Heffner and Governor Maura Healey

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Alan Garber

The Interim President’s Agenda

Alan Garber on campus speech, academics, and his other Harvard priorities

by John S. Rosenberg

CDs, Taylor Swift bracelets in the foreground, with Johnson Gate in the background

Inside Harvard’s Taylor Swift Class

An English course pairs the music with Willa Cather, William Wordsworth, and Dolly Parton.

by Nina Pasquini

Naomi Bashkansky sits on a table with a chess board behind her.

Strategic Planning

A chess player’s moves on AI safety

by Nina Pasquini

Football Coach Murphy, retiring

News in Brief

Education dean and football coach step down, a significant art acquisition, and more

AI-generated illustration showing a giant octopus, its tentacles reaching around a brick university building

Applying AI—How and Why

Using AI in pedagogy, research, and University administration

by Jonathan Shaw

Illustration of people talking to each other with colorful thought bubbles above their heads

Talking about Talking

Fostering healthy disagreement

by Max J. Krupnick

Hopi Hoekstra

Reengineering Arts and Sciences

Spurring innovation, rethinking departments, tapping centers—and Ph.D. support

by John S. Rosenberg

Claudine Gay testifying before Congress December 5

A Presidency’s End

Controversies over terrorism and antisemitism, free speech, plagiarism, and broader cultural currents bring a brief presidency to a traumatic end.

by John S. Rosenberg

Kenneth C. Frazier and Joseph Y. Bae

Kenneth C. Frazier and Joseph Y. Bae to Join Harvard Corporation

Will succeed David M. Rubenstein and Paul Finnegan

by John S. Rosenberg , Jonathan Shaw

The Petitioners—Updated

Harvard alumni seeking a place on the Board of Overseers ballot

by John S. Rosenberg