University Finances

Harvard Discloses Administrator and Investment Manager Compensation

The annual release on leaders’ most recent pay

by John S. Rosenberg

The Faculty Faces Its Future

Better results than expected during the pandemic, and a sweeping effort to plan for academic improvements

by John S. Rosenberg

After the Pandemic’s Peak

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ annual report portrays a good foundation for its academic future. 

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard Endowment Increases $11.3 Billion to $53.2 Billion, and University Operations Yield $283-Million Surplus Despite Pandemic

A 33.6 percent return on endowment investments, as expense controls and donor support buoy the budget in an unprecedented year

by John S. Rosenberg

Penny Pritzker Gives $100 Million for New Economics Facility

Landmark support for an eminently strong department

by John S. Rosenberg

Harvard’s Endowment Outlook—Updated

How far is up in a year of robust investment returns? The University of Virginia’s report is suggestive.

by John S. Rosenberg

How Will Harvard Change Post-Coronavirus?

Opportunities in admissions, online degrees, research, and more

The Art of the Dean

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences leader’s plans before and beyond the pandemic

by John S. Rosenberg

edX Exit

Harvard and MIT sell to a for-profit company, and pursue their mission with a new model.

by John S. Rosenberg , Jonathan Shaw

Breaking Even in a Bleak Year?

Elements may be in place for the University’s financial recovery.

by Jonathan Shaw , John S. Rosenberg

Harvard May Avoid FY 2021 Operating Loss Despite Pandemic

Reduced expenses offset declines in revenue for FY 2021, helping Harvard avoid the layoffs that have eliminated one in eight jobs within higher education.

by Jonathan Shaw