The Changing Campus

New Home for ART Underway

American Repertory Theater’s Allston construction announced.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Harvard’s Allston Science and Engineering Complex Approved

The 556,850-square-foot building is described as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship.

by Laura Levis

News Briefs

Action against sexual assault, the Law School drops its shield, “Faculty Deans” now lead the Houses, and more

by John S. Rosenberg , Jonathan Shaw , Marina N. Bolotnikova , Laura Levis

Advancing the Allston Enterprise Campus

Harvard appoints Steven D. Fessler to direct development.

by John S. Rosenberg

An Enterprise Campus Emerges in Allston

In Allston, progress on the science and engineering complex, Life Lab, and renovated graduate-student housing 

by Laura Levis

Harvard Capital Campaign Nearing $6.5-Billion Goal

Now comes the harder part: fulfilling under-funded priorities.

by John S. Rosenberg

Engineering a School’s Future

SEAS dean Frank Doyle shares insights.

by Jonathan Shaw , John S. Rosenberg

Poised for Partnerships

School of engineering positioned to tackle big, cross-disciplinary societal problems, says new dean.

Building Community

A Harvard conversation on campus design—with implications for Allston

by Lydialyle Gibson


University news briefs: retaining recruits, online learning, appointments, awards, and more

Harvard Unveils Plans for Science and Engineering Center

A 586,000-square-foot building will house labs, teaching and retail spaces—and a large atrium. 

by Laura Levis