The Changing Campus

New Home for ART Underway

American Repertory Theater’s Allston construction announced.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Allston Development on Ice

The University will halt construction on its Allston science complex, and—significantly—revisit plans for campus development more broadly.

Faust: University Will Slow Pace of Construction in Allston

Harvard will continue construction through 2009 while examining its options, which include pausing construction entirely.

Refining the Allston Master Plan

A year ago, Harvard filed three sets of plans for building in Allston with the City of Boston: a master plan for the new Allston campus, plans...

Art Museum Two-Step

The museum of modern and contemporary art that Harvard plans to build in Allston will have to wait. In September, the Harvard Corporation...

Allston Plans in the News

The only certainty within the framework of Harvard’s existing Allston campus plans is the construction of a four-building science complex...

An Allston Metamorphosis?

Harvard's first science complex in Allston will be big by any measure. One thousand people will work in a facility designed as four buildings...