Herbert C. Kelman and Everett I. Mendelsohn


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI

Harvard’s Eugenics Era

When academics embraced scientific racism, immigration restrictions, and the suppression of “the unfit”

by Adam S. Cohen

Beyond Brahminism

How Richard  Henry Dana Jr. came to hate slavery and injustice


Nutcracker notes, and a memorable blackout

Yesterday’s News

From the pages of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin and Harvard Magazine

Thrills, Baseball & Other

How Jim Connor got to Harvard, and Isadore Zarakov’s home run

Pre-Pixel Portraits

Harvard class albums from the early days of photography, on exhibit at Pusey Library

by John S. Rosenberg

Youthful Ardors

Love Story locale, and other passionate pursuits

So Long for a Time

Baez, Dylan, and more vignettes from Harvard’s class of 1964

LSD Testing in the 1950s

A researcher hopes to contact volunteer participants in “truth sera” experiments.


A World War I Harvard aviator, plus a Game-worthy car buff and his wheels