Herbert C. Kelman and Everett I. Mendelsohn


Two scholars’ extracurricular efforts in the Middle East

by Primus VI

Julian Schwinger, the Singularity

At Jefferson Laboratory, Nobel Prize winners gather to remember one of their own.

by Jonathan Shaw


Grad-student unionization, sexual assault, and more

Art and Activism

Rediscovering Alain Locke and the project of black self-realization

by Adam Kirsch

Father and Son, and E.E. Cummings

What one undergraduate learned

by James C. Beck

Harvard A Cappella, From the Top

A look (and listen) back at the Dunster Dunces

by Oset Babür

Off the Shelf

John Kenneth Galbraith’s letters, Linda Greenhouse, color in art, and more

Funny—and Afire

A fresh source for Harvard humor, a critique embedded in a memorium, and historic photos of a famous campus fire

by Primus VI

A Tribute to Harry Lewis

Former students, friends, family, and colleagues gather to celebrate Harry Lewis on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.

by Jonathan Shaw

From the Archives: We Remember World War I

Firsthand accounts of Harvard men and women who lived through it, 100 years after the United States entered the Great War

by Adam Goodheart

Spring Sports, Spider Man

Roger Angell tees off, David Halberstam survives the Charles, and more

by Primus VI