Sophia Montgomery

Reading the Winds

Thai sailor Sophia Montgomery competes in the Olympics.

by Max J. Krupnick

At Home with Harvard: The Real History of Women at Harvard

A selection of stories covering the admission of women, the Harvard-Radcliffe merger, the rise of women in the faculty ranks, Harvard’s first woman president, and more


Seniors hunker down in communal quarantine.

by Eve Driver

Alone on Harvard’s Campus

Most days, I see no one at all.

by Jeremy Tsai

At Home with Harvard: The Climate Crisis

Highlights from our wide-ranging coverage of the environment

Letting Go of the “Ideal” Classroom

“The ‘ideal’ classroom never existed anyway, at least not in a perfectly equitable manner,” writes Julie Chung ’20. 

by Julie Chung

My Zero-Minute Commute to Zoom University

“The biggest obstacle to our collective learning is the elephant in the room: a global pandemic, taking place amid existing inequalities,” writes Drew Pendergrass ’20. 

by Drew Pendergrass

Will Truth Prevail?

A student scientist contemplates power and the denial of scholarship.

by Drew Pendergrass

“Drip, Drip, Drip”

How Harvard fencers won an Ivy championship

by Jacob Sweet

Boats and Coats

Houseboating in Boston Harbor, Apthorp North, and clothing counts

by Primus VI

Conferring Degrees, 2020

Harvard’s 369th Commencement goes virtual.