Social Sciences

Breaking Bread

Alexander Heffner ’12 plumbs the state of democracy.

by Jack R. Trapanick

Fugitive Pedagogy

Jarvis Givens rediscovers the underground history of black schooling.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Being Black at Work

Realizing the full potential of black employees

by Veronique Greenwood

Social Media Use and Adult Depression

A survey reveals suprising links between social media use and depression in adults.

by Erin O'Donnell

Racial Bias and Redistricting

Efforts to keep census data private result in voter undercounting in diverse districts.

by Daniel Oberhaus

Does Omicron Cause “Mild” COVID-19?

New evidence suggests the threat of severe infections.

by Jonathan Shaw

Thank the Rich for Low Rates?

High savings rates among the wealthiest U.S. earners may represent a macroeconomic risk

by Jonathan Shaw

Will Cities Survive Another Pandemic?

Inequities threaten the long-term health of cities

by Daniel Oberhaus

Both Sides Now

Tomiko Brown-Nagin’s bifocal view of the civil-rights movement

by Lincoln Caplan

Reporting, with an M.B.A.

Charles Duhigg unpacks how individuals and organizations work at war, on Wall Street, and in Silicon Valley

by Jonathan Shaw

Thinking Straight

Steven Pinker on rationality