Museums & Collections

“Edifying and Beautiful”

Botanical illustrations on display at Harvard’s rare book library

by Jack R. Trapanick

The Places You’ll Go

Art, science, sports—and fanciful holiday lights—in the Connecticut River Valley 

by Nell Porter Brown

War's Other Consequences

Harvard Art Museums exhibition explores the American military’s effect on its homeland.

by Lydialyle Gibson

Harvard Art Museums To Require Vaccination or Negative COVID Test

The announcement comes amid a spike in cases on campus and an increase in testing frequency. 

by Lydialyle Gibson

Repatriating Native American Remains

Disputes over the disposition of sensitive collections shadow Peabody Museum

by Juliet Isselbacher

Reflections of Pandemic Intimacy

Harvard's Carpenter Center highlights works by Katherine Bradford and Diedrick Bracken

by Nell Porter Brown

Documenting New England’s Unseen

Seeking mentorship as a student of color, and finding a calling in the arts

by Che Applewhaite

How Harvard Profited On Keeping Time

Harvard’s clocks and the standardization of time

by Jacob Sweet

America’s Oldest Synagogue

Newport R.I.’s colonial era and thriving Jewish community 

by Nell Porter Brown

Curiosities: A Fantasy Trip

 “Enchanted: A History of Fantasy Illustration,” at the Norman Rockwell Museum

by Nell Porter Brown

Harvard Art Museums Will Reopen This Fall

The musems will welcome students back on September 1, and the public on September 4.

by Lydialyle Gibson